In 2014 when Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist politician was sworn in as India’s 15th Prime Minister, he was hailed as the ‘saviour of India’. …
The Afghan Elections– A Brief News Summary
Voting is an act of bravery in Afghanistan. It is the exercise of a right defined by fear, yet praised as a symbol of the …
Hegemony and the Complacent Global Consumer
What an Italian Marxist from the 20th Century can tell us about 21st-century passivity surrounding contemporary plight. Despite remaining physically imprisoned for eleven years, the …
A Brief Overview on Nicaragua
It has been about six months since the Nicaraguan protests first began and still the nation’s political climate remains in turmoil with several dead, many …
What The Saudi-German Episode Tells Us About Saudi Foreign Policy
At a time where Saudi foreign policy is caricatured as nothing short of brutish and hyperbolic, the recent reconciliation of Saudi-German relations on the sidelines …
The Forgotten Headlines
Name-recognized international news sources have a disturbing commonality- a near total absence of humanity and individuality in their stories. In the cycle of quick-consumption, websites …