Landscapes have been a popular muse of Western artists since the seventeenth century. Marshmallow skies, abundant harvests and tempestuous seas possess timeless attraction to painters …

Landscapes have been a popular muse of Western artists since the seventeenth century. Marshmallow skies, abundant harvests and tempestuous seas possess timeless attraction to painters …
What is your natural state? I’m thinking just-got-out-of-bed, flatmates-are-all-away, no-chance-of-seeing-anyone-for-hours-(maybe-days)-natural state. Your lazy, effortless, easy-peasy, bare-bones basics. And how much does that differ from when …
Long gone are the days when the climate apocalypse could be denied by sceptical, empirical observers. A week after scorching temperatures burned southern England, from …
We believe we are connected to our sense of self by the name we are given at birth. In actuality, we choose to identify with …
This piece was originally written as part of a Nature and the City project in collaboration with Peach Street Magazine. Literary critic Terry Gifford claimed …
What’s in my nature? At this point, I am not really sure anymore. Titles I once adorned as inherently mine have transformed into possibilities, no …
Nature vs. Nurture: the centuries-old debate. First coined by psychologist Sir Francis Galton in 1869 (although it’s unclear who initially began the discussion), the term …