What’s in my nature? At this point, I am not really sure anymore. Titles I once adorned as inherently mine have transformed into possibilities, no …

What’s in my nature? At this point, I am not really sure anymore. Titles I once adorned as inherently mine have transformed into possibilities, no …
Living in four different countries before the age of six years old has warped my perception of what it is to have a home. Considering …
i end every day by promising myself: tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow but that hymn becomes a hex as i become acquainted with the quiet and my …
each year at the end of summer, I always find myselfperched on my window-sill some years with a cigarette hanging from my fingers,with hopes that …
Time drips through the caves of my ribcage, pooling in newly found crevices and canyons, whilst incessant streams form fresh gorges. I have forced time …
Time. The great teacher, the great healer, the greatest ceremony of humanity. Time, coupled with reflection, allows us to grow, to progress, to figure out …
On holding the people from our past and present accountable.
“Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at. This determines not only most relations between men and women but also the relation of …
As bell hooks puts it in The Will to Change, the political system in America is an “imperialist white-supremacist capitalist patriarchy”. This also applies to …