What is your natural state? I’m thinking just-got-out-of-bed, flatmates-are-all-away, no-chance-of-seeing-anyone-for-hours-(maybe-days)-natural state. Your lazy, effortless, easy-peasy, bare-bones basics. And how much does that differ from when …

What is your natural state? I’m thinking just-got-out-of-bed, flatmates-are-all-away, no-chance-of-seeing-anyone-for-hours-(maybe-days)-natural state. Your lazy, effortless, easy-peasy, bare-bones basics. And how much does that differ from when …
Is there anyone else in the room with you as you read this? If so, can you take a minute, and just think about the …
This article is going to be an exploration of the phrase ‘she might be someone’s daughter/mother/sister/wife’, and my previous problems with it. We’re going to …
How imagining others in connection with yourself builds empathy.
A while ago, whilst reading about the opioid crisis in America, I came across a recent discovery about the relationship between drug use and location. …
Why are you here? And how could it have taken you so long, To get here? Did you forget the way, did you misremember, miss-recall, …
We quantify time in many different ways. If you have ever worked a minimum wage job, you will know that, by some standards, an hour …
A poem by Honor McGrigor
“Time is arbitrary, particularly when it comes to imprisonment. This is problematic, seeing that we have based the majority of our criminal justice system on …