Russell T. Davies’ latest show is a warm but fascinating exploration of dystopian catastrophes with a truly underwhelming final scene. As ‘Years and Years’ draws …

Russell T. Davies’ latest show is a warm but fascinating exploration of dystopian catastrophes with a truly underwhelming final scene. As ‘Years and Years’ draws …
A belated Oscars Rant Hollywood has a very distinct flavour of liberalism. Despite Fox News’ insistence to the contrary, the industry’s ideology is far from …
The American Left is winning. For the first time since Johnson’s Great Society, the Democratic party is shifting to the left on a broad range …
Ruth Bader Ginsburg fell two weeks ago. Not in a metaphorical manner, but in a strictly physical one: the justice tripped and fractured three ribs …
On whether immigrants cause intolerance or protect us from it. Le Pen. Farage. Salvini. Orbán. Kurz. Trump. Far right xenophobia is in vogue across the …
[Editors’ note: BRIZO Magazine is aware that the Kavanaugh hearings and the nomination process are no longer a central part of the news cycle. However, …
On Queer erasure and farcical representation. Love Simon is the gay blockbuster of the summer- or, for that matter, of the decade, due to a …