Back when my walls were green and my floors hardwood, I couldn’t walk one inch in my house without hearing saxophones. Or trumpets. Or piano. …

The “Now” section consists of stories, thoughts, and articles pertinent to our current day and contemporary life.
Back when my walls were green and my floors hardwood, I couldn’t walk one inch in my house without hearing saxophones. Or trumpets. Or piano. …
“Y encima me cobran la maleta de mano, aunque ya la había pagado, joder, Dena, que no, que son unos hijos de puta yo saliendo …
If we examine some of our governments’ greatest failures as governing bodies, we can trace their motivations to a focus on their image, appealing to …
Overpopulation can be a national and international issue. It simply means that a population has grown so large that it begins to suffer as a …
You may have heard the saying, “crying: only acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon.” While this is a harsh and slightly condescending saying, the …
No man is an island,Entire of itself,Every man is a piece of the continent,A part of the main.If a clod be washed away by the …
To become “self-aware” and to be “mindful” is both important and beneficial, but it’s something that one typically wouldn’t think of. Mindfulness is the ability …
A couple of years ago an article on the Guardian came out titled “Neoliberalism Has Conned Us Into Fighting Climate Change as Individuals,” and when …
Just over a year ago, the then 14-year-old Greta Thunberg, started protesting to her local parliament in Sweden, for faster action on the global climate …
The choice to procreate has been explored, discussed and seen in several different ways whether this be through a scientific manner or spiritual. As human …