Morality, reason, culture and emotion characterise humanity,
they are employed on a scale ranging from exploitation to emancipation.
One end displays reality –
the tyranny of the status quo.
Candour is an anomaly
Stillness is fleeting
Diversity is stifled
Aloofness is alluring;
All whilst the cracks show.
On the other end of the scale lies utopia,
displayed as a matter of foresight.
It is a place of honesty;
a place which holds all the pieces of ourselves we shrunk for others,
a place where all the miscommunications are laid out in their truth.
If utopia is a matter of foresight as opposed to a dreamy reality
then how will we focus our lens?
Our tainted timelines are woven together
to form the fabric of reality,
the needle driving forward relentlessly.
Our individual and whole corruption
is a reflection of our cyclical history
Of hereditary trauma
Of repeated abuses
Of untruth.
Our collective memory and learned responses
mean that I can never be singular.
It is said that only crisis produces real change
But crisis cannot be felt by those dizzied, blinded and locked by their own freedom.
photography by Isabella Baxter