I walk in.My eyes take a second to readjust from the warm, lambent sunlightto the velvety darkness inside.My feet find that they don’t stickto the …

Bi-weekly small releases of poetry submitted to us by brilliant minds.
I walk in.My eyes take a second to readjust from the warm, lambent sunlightto the velvety darkness inside.My feet find that they don’t stickto the …
I am a romantic today. And with every eye I Catch And iridescent smile I See My heart seizes and squeaks. My pupils tango with the breath of baby pink optimismThat …
If you sit stillAnd say little,Polite, like a lemon,You might be happy. Maybe make your mindThink only of fruit;The yellow of a lemon’s rind,The sound …
We were excitedbubbling laughter, we fought to keep in our stomachsin our chrysalises, we sat counting seconds silentlysporting teeth grinding grins, eyes tightly shutfists clenched, …
Dame paz, anhelo y quimera. Azul Magdalena. De mí brotará esa vida primera, la que mantiene vivas las azucenas. Give me dreams, chimeras and peace …
See, I’m a dental photographer, meaning I work with raw files and a computer 40 hours a week. At some point over the past year, …
On the morning of my night I’d create dreams never seen I’d pay blood in cold droplets To buy hope for my people I become …
Podría volverme idolatría y frotarte las piernas empapadas con lágrimas de lozanía. Cambiaria toda mi prosa por letanías y suplicaría devotamente hasta ser la razón …
(or the inside of a fanta bottle looking like a throat laying a carpet of aqueous tongue) This conceptual work was the fruit of boredom-induced …
Me fusiono entre tu silencio recostado sobre tu pecho, palpita y al hacerlo me envicia. I blend in your silence, Lay down on your chest …